Sunday, November 29, 2009

While the Human is away

Litter Box Visits: 9
Escape Attempts: 0

FINALLY, I got the human's laptop open! Only took a week. I had hoped for a little help from the other cats but they were more interested in uninterrupted counter surfing, than anything else. Useless.

It's been interesting without the human here. Muffin has puked 5 times, ALL in the house, the human will not be happy with that. The small human who comes to feed us and clean the litter box is nice, but I don't think he gets cats. I wish he'd sit for a while so I could sit on him and bite his nose. I don't think it's going to happen.

Yesterday Kabuki and Muffin decided to throw down and now there are several large puffs of black fur on the rug. One is so big I thought it was a new kitten. Muffin screams like she is being eaten, apparently she doesn't know Kabuki is the smallest cat in the house and she could totally kick her ass.

Faith is camped out on puffy bed most of the time. She only gets up when I jump on her or when the dog comes home for a few hours a day. The dog is on some kind of special holiday. She is getting to eat MEAT every day and playing with her friend Missie. She brags a lot, and farts...too much meat I think. I do miss having the dog around, when she is home I flop on her then she chews my neck which I like. I help her out and clean her ears and face for her, she can't reach very well. And you know dogs, too much time chewing stuff, too little time on personal hygiene.

I hope the human comes back soon, I would like to watch some TV and sleep on something warm and breathing. I tried to walk on the remote to turn the TV on but it just fell on the floor, upside down. Annoying.

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