Thursday, November 12, 2009


Litter box visits: 3, or 4, it's early
Escape attempts: 0

Pssst. Something the human does not know- I am a Dog Whisperer. My dog sister, Hama, went out for her morning walk--which is unfair, I can walk on a lease too-and came back with a story to tell. The human doesn't know, Hama tells me EVERYTHING, she is a dog after all, they wear their heart on their paws AND tail.

So I guess they took a little walk along the water company's levy that surrounds Santa Teresa Park. Hama says there are lots of sniffy-good (her words, not mine) holes to put her nose into and birds to chase along there. She told me her favorite thing to do is stare into the bushes for a long time while the human walks far away, pretend she can't see or hear the human, then run really fast to catch up. WHY that is fun, I do NOT know. Freak. Anyway, on today's walk Hama said on the other side of the levy up on the steep hill she saw three large black dogs, one had a white face. They didn't run when they saw her, they just looked up for a second and returned to eating grass. Grass? Weird. All three eating grass, they must have got into the garbage and ingested vegetables or something nasty like that, but I digress. So the human kept saying lookacows, lookacows. WTF? Lookacows? I never heard of a dogbreed called Lookacows! So Hama decides to pop across the levy (she's quite athletic) and check them out for herself. According to her account one of the black dogs charged her, but she expertly eluded capture. Whatever. Hama said she noticed the smell was not very dog-like, closer to the smells at the barn. I guess the human started to get upset and scream COME! Hama said she did her usual fake out and ignored her for a bit then ran down the hill, lept across the levy without touching the bottom (yeah right), and they continued their walk. The human couldn't have been too mad because when they returned home she gave Hama food. Not that the skinny fool will eat it. Alas, more for me.
I'm going to try to get online later and see if I can look up the dog breed "Lookacows".

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