Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sad News

My cousin Francis the cat passed away this past weekend. He lived with us for a short while in San Jose. He liked to use the litter box almost as much as me. He came from the Healdsburg Animal Shelter and was from a litter of feral kittens. Francis was a very large Main Coon mix. He was a bit on the shy side and did NOT like new dogs in his house. He didn't take crap from anyone, and I liked that about him. He didn't like to go to our outdoor cat house because of the access run. But I know he'd been enjoying running outside in Santa Rosa with the baby at the big ranch he lived on. I'm sure he had a lot of fun there. His human mother Ann loved him very much and she will miss as will all his animal friends and family. I miss him, a lot. I know I will see him at the Rainbow Bridge some day.

He is survived by his mother- Ann, his Chow- Heidi, brother- Mighty Mouse, and sister- The Baby, all of Santa Rosa, CA. His litter-mate- Guska lives in Mountain View, CA.

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