Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Personal Consultations

Litter box visits: 0
Escape attempts: 0
You know humans are not the only ones that need to air their issues. Cats need to as well. I already mentioned the dog likes to over-share, sometimes cats need to talk too. I have found that offering private therapy sessions has been rewarding for me and beneficial for the other cats.

My first dilemma was finding a location to hold my sessions. The top of the cat tree was my first choice, but the close quarters caused Faith to get upset and instead of her spilling her guts she tried to spill my MINE. Besides, she's gotten a bit porky since she's started wolfing down all that dog food. We both didn't fit comfortably in that location either.
I finally found the perfect spot: under the sink! Since I am a feline with a superior intellect, I have no problem opening the door. Once inside, there is quiet and privacy. Faith tells me all her dirty little secrets. Most of what she tells me is pretty boring, usually her latest trick to try to escape...even if she does escape the dog retrieves her, I don't know why she bothers, but I digress. The under-the-sink consultations have been very successful. I've been performing my work pro bono so far, but that's going to change, as soon as I figure out how to submit bills to BlueCross.

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