Sunday, November 1, 2009

New Scratching Posts

Litter box visits: 7
Escape attempts: 1

Three very large, new-smelling scratching "posts" were delivered on Friday. Two are red and arranged near the television. The human and the dog enjoy laying on them, so do I. I much rather reach up and insert and pull my claws into the sides of the longer red scratcher. The human keeps yelling at me. Very annoying. But she CAN'T PROTECT IT 24X7!

I am the KING Of the Red Scratcher!

The human is keeping the other long scratching post covered with sheets. Not as interesting to try to scratch but Faith and I like to lay in it.

Last night was Halloween. I like Halloween, except when I am dressed up like a pumpkin. The necklace was was okay, the pumpkin hat was a bitch. I tried to retaliate by stealing a fun size Nestle Crunch. I could only get it as far as the dining room floor. The human found me. She'll never find the pumpkin necklace.

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