Saturday, January 16, 2010

Dog Therapy

Litter Box visits: 12 (new litter, and it's de-lightful!)
Escape attempts: 2 (1 successful! Auntie DeAnna, wasn't paying attention)

The dog is going to need extensive psychological therapy. We are getting roommates. If it was just two humans I think she'd be fine, but we're getting a human AND a dog. The new dog is also a puppy, not quite a year. New Dog isn't quite smart enough to know when to back off. New Dog doesn't know that it's a bad thing to steal Faceless Faith (the Dog's favorite toy...more on F.F. later). The New Dog doesn't know NOT to walk near the Dog when she has a treat within a five foot radius, regardless if she wants to eat it or not. It wasn't pretty. There were multiple altercations while they were here visiting. Us cats pretty much ignore her hissy fits. The New Dog screamed right back at her. There was a lot of growling, moping, and showing of teeth. I'd offer the Dog a therapy session or two for free, but I don't think I can fit her under the sink. Not that she'd even go in there; she's afraid of air for god's sake!  Maybe I'll offer sofa therapy.

I think there is going to be a significant adjustment period. Why can't we all just get along?

Here I am trying to talk her out of moping

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