Friday, March 5, 2010

Faceless Faith

Litter Box Visits: 5
Escape Attempts: 0
 The Dog and her security blanket: Faceless Faith

Young children often find security by maintaining a death grip on a bubbie (blankie). Some kids like to rub their own hair and even the fur of the family pet. But what many people do not know is that insecure dogs also have security "blankets" to ward off the scary monsters that may attack at any time. Sorta' like a protective amulet. The Dog has her own bubbie, it's called Faceless Faith. Not to be confused with Faith the cat, she has her face but her brains are questionable.

Once upon a time, Faceless Faith was an intact, stuffed animal living comfortably on the Human's bed; minding her own business. She is a stuffed "cat" though it pains me to place those two words in one sentence. She resembles the live Faith, they are both are tuxedos--black with white paws and a white chest.

One day a white puppy (the Dog) came along and decided FF (Faceless Faith) looked mighty tasty, so she promptly claimed FF as yet another dog toy--or so we thought!

Faceless Faith (FF) 

The Human thought she looked so cute carrying FF around in her mouth like a baby animal, it was cute until she chewed Faceless Faith's face off and removed all the stuffing from her head! Personally, I find this disemboweling trait of dogs unsettling. I was quite sure Faceless Faith would soon be completely "gutless".. The Dog did not continue to remove all of FF's innards; instead she carried her around in her mouth like she was a Lab retrieving a freshly-shot duck from the marsh.

At first it was quite distressing to see a limp cat-like shape hanging from her mouth; even more upsetting when she'd shake it as if to break FF's neck. But the weirdest thing the dog does with FF, is lick her as if she is cleaning her baby puppy. She removed FF's entire brain then proceeds to lick her as if she's one of her offspring? WTF? Freud and Jung would have a field day evaluating the Dog's mental health. But as usual, I digress! The Dog also has bouts of possessive aggression protecting FF. If FF is in a 5-foot radius of the Dog and one of us cats casually strolls by, she turns into Cujo, defending her "food". Seriously? Like we care about that spit-ridden, brainless thing? I don't even respond when she goes all SF Zoo Tiger on my ass any more. She also insists on taking FF to bed with her at night....awww (gag). She takes it with her when the vacuum comes out (wimp), she takes it with her if she's going to hang out in the office...I'm surprised she doesn't take it for rides in the car! Dogs! If I live 'til 22, I won't understand them!
The "Live" Faith (and me) Chilaxin'

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