Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dog Food, the other brown kibble

Litter Box Visits: 9 (new litter, it smells good)
Escape Attempts: 1 (but it was half-assed)

I scream you scream, we all scream for tuna. Well I also scream for dog food. I know, I know, I should put my nose up at all things canine, but I can't help myself. The high-fat, high-protein kibble for the dog is so tasty I can't help but come running when I hear it being poured into the bowl. It kicks ass over the low-fat healthy cat food I find in my bowl. The pieces are kinda big so I have to bite them into smaller sizes before I can eat them. I am proud to say I have a high metabolism, so I'm proud to say I'm keeping my weight down (unlike Faith who is porking out). Or it could be the multiple trips to the litter box. I dunno. I also enjoy oatmeal, potato chips, eggs, cheese, toast, and milk. I like a varied diet.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In the Beginning

Litter box visits: 7
Escape attempts: 0

In the beginning I was the runt of 5 kittens who ended up at the San Martin Animal Shelter. We were motherless and had URI (upper respiratory infection). We went to foster care and I never left. The other kittens (except one who died, that that's another story) were returned to the shelter and got adopted, we've lost touch.

All my siblings had double paws (extra toes, official condition is polydactyl). They were named Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Giganto, and me Yeti...I don't't have extra toes, but I didn't want to be left out of the mystical monster name club.

I am an Abyssinian tabby. Most people don't know what that means...but I have "tipped" fur, the ends are lighter than rest of the hair. I guess that's a cool thing, I don't particularly care my focus is on litter box visits and keeping my moobs clean (more on that later too).