Friday, August 10, 2012

The Cat House is Back! The Cat House is Back!

Litter box visits: 5
Escape Attempts. 0.5 (ran in the garage and sat on the car)

Sorry I've been away for so long, my summer vacation has made me extra lazy.

Snoozing in the Cat House
I have some good news! After 2 years in hiatus, the cat house is back! You ask what a cat house is? It's the best thing since fresh tuna with a side of milk. It's our (us cats) jungle gym/nap spot. It's made from wood and 1"x2" wire, it's high enough for the human to walk in, it has a roof, it has lots of perches and walkways, and the dogs are NOT allowed. Uncle Ray made it for us at the last house, then it sat in pieces here at the new house until the human FINALLY got him to rebuild it. We still have our litter boxes out in the atrium and we only are allowed out when the human is home, but that's okay, the Cat House is BACK.

Faith modeling new fake grass in Cat House
We have a few new additions to this cat house: We have our own kitty grass to eat. We have our own catnip plant to roll on, not that I care; I'm not into that, but the girls are. And we have green vines growing up the walls, something called cucumbers and squash, I tasted them, they are not as good as broccoli.

Life is good.