Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Friends at the Vets Office

Litter Box Visits: 8 or 9
Escape Attempts:0, but I went outside and got some sun time.

Car rides aren't what they use to be. In my youth I remember rocking out to Ace of Base and going up to wine country trips to see my Auntie Ann or cruising to Petco to visit the adoption kitties. That was especially fun when my human let me climb on the cat trees. I really wish she had brought them home...alas I am off on another tangent!

Yesterday we went for another ride to the vet's office. I have been having some issues jumping and my hips are sore. I'm not sure how it happened. Could have happened when playing with the dogs or giving a smack down to Faith or maybe I landed funny; either way its been hurting enough I was having problems propelling myself upward. My human noticed and decided to bring me to the vets to find out what was wrong. The car ride wasn't that much fun. No Ace of Base.

Before we even got into the examination room we got to meet all kinds of new friends in the waiting area. There was Chance, the big orange tabby who was chilling in his carrier. His human was very nice and I marked her hand and foot repeatedly. She gave good pats. Then there was a tiny kitten (never got her name) and her two humans, they were also very nice and I sat on one of them for a while. Then three humans came in with another small orange cat named Lily. She wasn't too happy with me when I looked in her carrier; so so I focused on her humans. One was small, but a female human, so more tolerable than most small-sized humans. I got lots of petting and they talked to me for a long time. I saw a LOT of dogs too, but my human wouldn't let me visit them. They seemed to be in some kind of isolation ward, away from the cats.

Dr. Johnson is my vet, she is very nice, I didn't even bite her when she bent my head around and pulled on my legs. I purred a lot when she put this cold, round thing on my side, but then she blew in my face; I stopped purring for a moment wondering why she'd do that, but then she took the round thing away and I resumed purring. It was fun. After that, she took me into another room and poked me a couple of times with needles, THAT wasn't fun, but I was focusing on all the other animals and new friends I could meet. It was over quickly and my human had me back on my leash. Dogs aren't the only ones who can wear leashes you know!

The human bought some treats for me, and they are only for ME. And then we drove home. I didn't like the return trip either. The car makes my stomach hurt. So I sat in the back and complained the whole way home. When we got there, she gave me the yummy treats. I get two a day. The vets isn't so bad, I don't know what the dog's drama is all about. She went on and on after her last visit that there were vampire humans trying to drain her blood, but they weren't biting her, they were using long silvery tubes. I can only guess she meant needles. HELLO? Dogs are so uneducated.